They could absolutely get away with a similar straight sex scene to the gay one, but so far there hasn't been any reason to have one. I'm personally very glad that they're using sex scenes in a way that develops the characters and the plot and not just for the sake of having a sex scene or trying to fill some idiotic quota between straight and gay sex, as if the difference even fucking matters outside of a few ignorant people's hang-ups about homosexuality. It was absolutely informative to show the sex scene, since it played directly into the plot as the aftermath was his opportunity to root Anwar's phone.
Whereas with Tyrell, the scene was framed to highlight his dominance, his coldness, and his ruthlessness. Mr Robot Gay Sex Scene Sex Porn Videos on Tumblr - Showing the sex would have detracted from that point. IMG: Prepagos Medellin, Video sex xnxx -, Watch Mr robot lesbian scene on Free.
Also, the story comes first: It would've been stupid to show the straight sex given the scene, because the point was not the sex, the point was that Elliot does things on drugs that he wouldn't normally do. Too early to be all 'why no straight sex?'.